Vacation deprivation refers to the foregoing vacation days because of busyness at work.
Workers are expected to give back 574 million vacation days in 2006, depriving themselves of much-needed breaks, according to Expedia.com’s annual vacation deprivation survey.根據Expedia.com網(wǎng)站的年度假期剝奪調查,員工在2006年一共會(huì )有5.74億天假期無(wú)法休掉,他們被剝奪掉非常需要的休息時(shí)間。
The number of vacation days employees are skipping this year increased by one over last year. On average, Americans leave at least four days unclaimed annually.與去年相比,員工每年被剝奪的假期又多了一天。平均來(lái)講,美國人每年放棄的假期至少有四天。
And the workaholic approach may not even be as effective as some think. After all, French workers have the largest amount of guaranteed time off of any major industrialized nation yet their worker productivity is also amongst the world’s highest.工作狂的工作方法可能并不像某些人認為的那樣有效。要知道,法國員工擁有的假期比任何其他工業(yè)化大國的員工都多,但他們的生產(chǎn)力也是全世界遙遙領(lǐng)先的。
The concept of being overworked is so prevalent in Japan that the country has its own word for people who die of heart attacks and other ailments directly attributed to excessive labor – Karoshi. The word literally translates to mean “death from over work.”
在日本,加班的概念深入人心,日本有一個(gè)自創(chuàng )的詞匯用于指代死于心臟病和其他由過(guò)度工作引發(fā)的疾病——Karoshi(過(guò)勞死)。這個(gè)詞從字面翻譯,意思是“工作過(guò)多而死亡”。